Length: 2-3 hours
Mode of Transport: Walking, carriers and strollers can work
Why Go? Nature park that brings ancient Israel to life
Toilets? At the beginning of the trails
What to Bring: Water, backpack, snacks, even packed lunch
Entrance Fee: 25 shekel for adults; 20 shekel for kids
Set in the Ben Shemen Forest, the huge park is set up with different trails, dotted with activities and sites demonstrating what life was like in Biblical times. We're talking about flowers, plants, a well to draw water, olive press, wheat grinding, and a place to practice writing on clay pottery with old school ink. The park especially comes to life during holidays (not chag, since they are closed, also on Shabbat) where they have extra activity stations.
What makes the park fun is the treasure hunt nature of it. Camels - check, look out tower - check, and so on. It's a nice stroll as well. Nothing too serious in the means of walking, and the shorter trail is just about 1.5 kilometres. We did this excursion when I was 8 months preggo. There are benches around the park to sit and snack, and of course, the coveted ice cream at the end.
Note, near the parking lot there is a lovely heavily shaded picnic area, where we had breakfast. This way, we could put everything back in the car before heading out to the trails. We got there at 8:30am, as soon as they opened, and there were only two other families. When we left around noon, the place was packed and the sun was intense.
This is great..I'm very impressed with this..sign me up..very well thought through.. really enjoyed the pictures and subjects in them.The land of milk (breast) and honey is gorgeous and cant wait till we are allowed to cone visit..